Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Against Steroids in Sports Essay - 2217 Words

â€Å"†¦medical researchers believe that between 1 and 3 million youths and adults have taken anabolic steroids in one form or another specifically to enhance their looks or athletic performances,† stated Nuwer (Nuwer, 61). As astounding as these figures are, the number of performance drug users is steadily increasing. With this progressively increasing numbers, it is projected that millions more will use steroids in the immediate future (Newer, 61). Athletes have always sought an advantage in competition even if ignoring the law and their health if necessary. Using drugs of any sort to facilitate an athlete’s athletic ability should be illegal. The use of performance enhancing drugs is not only detrimental to the user but it also creates an†¦show more content†¦Famed writer Grantland Rice once wrote, â€Å"When the great scorer comes to mark against your name. Hell mark not won or lost but how you played the game† (World of quotes, 1). That buoyant attitude of selflessness and heart has slowly diminished throughout the course of time. Now, George Allen’s booming voice, former coach of the Washington Redskins, runs throughout head of America, â€Å"Only winners are truly alive. Winning is living. Every time you win, you’re reborn. When you lose, you die a little† (Harris, 67). It is with this frame of mind that athletes are pushed beyond the edge of reason. Although peer pressure and pressure from coaches are central reasons why one may use steroids, most users begin using in order to improve their self image or excel in sports. Ethics, integrity, and legality aside, some athletes will stop at nothing to attain â€Å"that extra edge†. Type the word â€Å"steroid† in a search engine. Within seconds, a colossal list of websites pertaining to the topic appears and three bold words stand out at the top of the page. They read: Steroids for Sale. With a few clicks and a credit card number later, an athlete can be using steroids in a matter of days. Illegal steroids can not only be effortlessly purchased online but, they can also be attained through the black market or by simply crossing the border into Mexico (Side-Effects, 3). Farrey described that, â€Å"In the past decade, pharmacies have popped up all over the cityShow MoreRelatedSports Philosophy And Recreation : Anabolic Steroids1430 Words   |  6 PagesSports Philosophy and Recreation Are Anabolic Steroids Important Of Body Building? I will argue no that anabolic steroids are not important for body building because they have great negative effects. The use of anabolic steroids has been discouraged over the years because of their side effects, and they are against the philosophy of sports. The steroids are medicine and protein supplements that aid in the body building. 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